40ft Modified Container House

40ft modified container house includes 1 bedroom, 1 living room + kitchen, 1 bathroom.Length= 12.2 meters,Width= 2.44 meters

--Modified Container House is modified by new or second-hand 20ft or 40ft shipping container, it is modified by shipping container so that they have been retro-fitted with functional container house accessories, e.g. it is furnished by floor, doors, interior decorations, sanitary wares, kitchen cabinet and sink , power and lighting or it can be accessorized to suit your requirements
--Flat Packed Container house is made by our own steel structure materials and interior decorations based on the size of shipping container, it is transportable and comfortable to live in temporarily or permanently.
Package & Delivery
--It is Direct Delivery for Modified Container House;
--It is flat packed and made container loading for Flat Packed Container House
  3-4 units of 20ft flat packed container houses will be loaded in one 20GP;
  8 units of 20ft flat packed container houses will be loaded in one 40HC;
  4 units of 40ft flat packed container houses will be loaded in one 40HC
House, Apartment, Hotel, Dining room, Storage Unit, Shop, Office, Meeting room, Toilet, Accommodation, Shower Unit, Clinics, etc.

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